Commercial Use
“Commercial” use is any use: (i) that involves an exchange of money or other consideration, (ii) that promotes a business (e.g., sole proprietorship, corporation, or partnership), product, or service, or (iii) where financial gain or other consideration is either sought or a result, directly or indirectly, of Licensee’s use of the Licensed Asset. If any one or more of the criteria in (i), (ii), and (iii) is met, then the use is deemed “Commercial”.
Non-Commercial Use (Personal)
“Non-commercial” use is a use for solely personal purposes; any use that meets the definition of “Commercial use” can not be a Non-commercial use.
1. Mocku License Agreement – Personal
The licensed asset can appear in non-commercial project
Can be used for
– End Products Not For Sale
– One personal social media account with non-commercial activities
Cannot be used for
x End products for sale
x Business social media accounts
x Physical or digital paid advertisements
x Native apps, web apps, or games
Licensee: Individual
Number of Users: Single User
Commercial Use: Not Permitted
Non-Commercial (Personal) Use: Permitted
This is an individual license for Non-commercial use only, and the Licensed Asset may be used and accessed only by a single individual person, who is the Licensee indicated at the time of purchase. If multiple individuals will work together to use the same Licensed Asset, then each individual must purchase a license for that Licensed Asset. Licensee may select multiple users at the time of purchase only if Licensee is authorized to legally bind the other individuals who will use the Licensed Asset to this License Agreement. For use by a business, such as an employer, one of the license agreements that permits Commercial use is required.
The product may not be re-distributed in any way. This includes in tools, as templates or as a stock item. It may not be distributed with source files. You may not lease, license or sub-license It may not be distributed as a single mock-up or as part of a bundle, even if it is modified. It is forbidden to distribute the product in its original form or with changes. This ban extends to free distribution of the product. If you wish to promote my resources on your site, you must link back to the resource page where users can find the download and not directly to the download file.